About Us

This website became since 2009 a personal blog originating from the commercial company GDF DATA BANKS srl registered in Bucharest, Romania (see below a short history and its initial purposes as About Us).

The main aim of the present website is to continue and display some of the personal research results also published in the GDF DATABANKS BULLETIN (ISSN 1453-1674) registered at the Biblioteca Nationala a Romaniei, Bucharest and National Library of Australia, Canberra.

All the results posted on the website and in the above mentioned bulletin are based on my personal non-profit work. However, their use by other persons and/or organisms in other documents and/or publications need the written agreement of the author(s) (me and/or anyone else).

Also, these results can be used for further researches and/or applications in cooperation on contractual basis.

For any further details and/or observations anyone can contact me by e-mail, without any obligation from both sides.

Gheorghe DRAGAN, Ph.D.Physics

+40-21 223 0524



GDF-DATA BANKS has begun effectively its activity in 1993 after a long and intense experience in testing a wide variety of raw materials up to end products and designing original and highly efficient testing techniques.

As a result of designing efficient experiments and retrieval of experimental data, new theoretical and practical principles were established – topoenergetic theory, defining the behaviour of composite systems in any operating and/or processing conditions.

These new working principles impose some particular conditions in performing experiments in view to obtain basic experimental data able to be condensed in 3 ontogenic parameters univocally defining the behaviour of tested sample. These parameters define the nature and the amplitude of transforming process triggered by testing experiments having direct structural significances. For different samples tested in same conditions, it is possible to compare quantitatively the nature and amplitude of their behaviours, so phylogenic groups of samples with the same nature can result quantitatively defined by phylogenic parameters. These parameters establish true DATABANKS and ensure: (i) structural identification of an unknown sample; and/or (ii) the optimization of an imposed behaviour for tested samples by exact structural modifications.

Our techniques and specialists can solve any technological problem of such kind.
GDF-DATA BANKS has developed also original statistical methods for uncertainty evaluation of measured quantities.
GDF-DATA BANKS has developed also original testing devices ensuring high efficiency.
GDF DATABANKS BULLETIN presents scientific bases of the original results, products so as critical opinions and contributions of our partners. It can be read on line or by request.

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